Chuck and Donna Eddy

Donor Spotlight
Modern photograph of a white woman with shoulder-length blonde hair in a colorful patterned jacket and a white man wearing glasses and a black bowtie.

When and how did you first get involved with the National WWI Museum and Memorial?

My wife and I have been involved with and have cherished the Museum and Memorial nearly all of our lives. It was the location of our first date, engagement, and many of our other activities over the past 50 years. I, Chuck, became very involved with Carl DiCapo in saving the Memorial and building the expansion of the Museum through my eight years on the City Council of KCMO.

What do you see as the importance of the Museum and Memorial to the world and the Kansas City community?

The educational resources and history that this iconic structure provides to our community and the world is unsurpassed.

Why is the Pershing Legacy Society important to you?

The Pershing Legacy Society honors those who have included the National WWI Museum and Memorial in their estate plans. It provides us with the opportunity to support this fabulous facility now and after we are gone. It greatly helps the Museum and Memorial to be totally sustainable throughout the future.

Going forward, what do you see as the main mission or goal of the Museum and Memorial?

Continuing to provide the wonderful services and education to everyone that visits.